Sunday 20 April 2014

Resurrexit Sicut Dixit, Alleluia.

Glorious Eastertide; a time of sacrifice, life and hope. As we celebrate the greatest event in history at Holy Mass and within the domestic Church, we remember how deeply Our Lord loves us. Showing Him reverence in Church by veiling is just one of the many ways we can do this. 

A Happy and Holy Easter!

A long, white lace mantilla is perfect for Eastertide Holy Masses even for ladies. 

Beautiful vintage floral mantilla from around the 1930s. 

White looks especially radiant at Easter as all the vestments will be white and/or gold. 

I cannot neglect the Spanish style mantilla and throughout Easter ladies too wear white veils after the black of Holy Week.

Gold is another beautiful Easter colour which fits perfectly with the Church liturgies.

Another 'Peter's Bride' sublime creation, a gold mantilla made from Swiss Chantilly lace.

'Those whose hearts are pure are temples of the Holy Spirit'

St. Lucy


  1. You always manage to find wonderful pictures! I should get B to look at this blog; she was asking about why we veil sometime last week.

  2. You mean B doesn't faithfully check this blog each week?! LoL

  3. Not yet. I know; it's terrible! :-O She has now been encouraged to do so! :-P :-D
    She wants to know why men don't veil. I have no idea!

  4. Ooooh, beautiful pictures - now I want to add some radiant white and gold mantillas to my collection! It's only right, given the season ;-)
